25/01/23 Beginning to gather names of women that could be included in the project from the vrouwen lexicon.
- Jeannette Hooft - mountaineer and flora + fauna researcher 1888-1939
- Adriana Warners - district nurse, psychologist and founder of a sea museum 1899-1986
- Petronella Johanna de Timmerman - physicist and poet 1723/24-1786
- Jantina James - first professor of genetics in The Netherlands 1871-1947
- Anna Bosse - marine algae specialist 1852-1942
- Gertrud Clara Wichmann - criminologist 1885-1986
- Leonie Van Nierop - first female doctor of state science - 1879-1960
- Aletta Henriette Jacob - first female student and doctor - 1854-1929
- Johanna Catharina Daan - dialectologist and sociolinguist 1910-2006
- Johanna Westerdijk - Plant pathologist and first female professor in The Netherlands - 1883-1961
- Jeannette Voet - first female vet in The Netherlands - 1907-1979
- Albertina Philippina Catharina - among the first women in The Netherlands to study medicine - 1852-1925
Also found an email address for Els Kloek who was the director of the digital vrouwen lexicon and author of 1001 women book. Could also contact the email address listed on the website.